GA Audits Advanced Plan


GA Audits Advanced Plan


  • Review Bounce rates
  • Duplicate tags
  • Tracking code implementation check
  • Check analytics data accuracy
  • Ensure correct UTM tagging and prepare guidelines
  • Check there are no duplicate page hits
  • Review the current conversion goals setup and optimizing it fit the specific KPIs
  • and more

Want a Google Analytics Audit that puts your website front and centre? This one does it all.

Forward-thinking businesses know that data is central to their current and future success. Google Analytics is one of the most powerful data collection tools, allowing small businesses to access insights that were once only available to companies with big budgets.

The sheer availability of this data means that everyone can compete. Of course, the downside is even the tiniest oversight on Google Analytics could give your competitors an advantage.

We offer professional Google Analytics audits for businesses that want to achieve more. The advance plan covers all bases and provides qualitative data, allowing you to maximise your profitability.

Data and insights you can trust

While GA is a powerful data collection tool, it’s not immune to human error, and we regularly see issues with tracking codes or inaccurate data.

If you aren’t aware of any issues, the information you use to make daily decisions could be doing more harm than good to your site.

An advanced Google Analytics audit from us doesn’t just scratch the surface; it dives deep and navigates through every component of your account, looking for potential issues.

Get the clarity you deserve and take advantage of actionable insights that move your website towards its goals.

Do it all with the advanced GA audit

Our advanced Google Analytics audit allows you to:

  • Cut through the noise and get to the heart of your GA account.
  • Isolate minor and serious problems.
  • Configure the platform to fit your needs – not the other way around.
  • Gather bespoke reports.
  • Enjoy seamless integrations with other Google platforms.
  • Get to the heart of what makes your target audience tick.

We developed this audit to be a universal solution for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a sole trader, have a hobby website or operate a large company, the audit isn’t about size; it’s the details that matter.

We’re confident you won’t find a more cost-effective and detailed audit elsewhere.

Our Google Analytics Advanced plan includes:

  • Everything in the intermediate package (LINK HERE)
  • Website usability testing
  • Sales funnel analysis
  • Identifying potential conversion problems
  • Examining integrations
  • Frontend and functional testing
  • Real usability testing
  • Target audience analysis
  • Bespoke recommendations

Eliminate structure and tracking problems

The structure of your account might not be the most exciting thing, but it does play an integral role in data collection. A common error we often see is an incorrect setup, and it can cause huge problems for the rest of your account.

Before we even think about the advanced stuff, we first need to ensure your account structure, including hierarchy, properties and conversion tracking codes, are in place.

We’ll also ensure multiple URLs are set up correctly, and there are no cross-domain issues. Once we do the basic checks, it’s time for the advanced audit to begin.

Get the lowdown on how your website really performs

Google Analytics and usability tests go hand in hand, and combining the two can lead to some surprising discoveries. User Experience is also now a significant factor in Google’s ranking criteria, so using a combination of quantitative and qualitative data is effective.

We source quantitative data from GA, using various metrics and tracking how long someone stays on a website and whether they interact with it.

The advanced audit also comes with usability testing, which offers qualitative insights into how genuine people view your website and the things they don’t like about it.

You can use the information to make beneficial changes, but it’s also ideal for target audience research, as you’ll see first-hand how specific demographics behave.

Refine your sales funnel

Sales funnels are central to converting website visitors into paying customers, but many businesses fail to utilise them properly.

As a more advanced feature of Google Analytics, the funnels allow users to track how visitors are moving through each section and how they interact with the website.

With four different funnel options, the tool is one of the most under-utilised but useful conversion tracking tools.

Our auditors will review your current funnel or advice on the type you should implement. Once it’s in place, you’ll get a front-row seat into your visitors’ behaviours and can make changes to boost conversions.

Wave goodbye to useless traffic

Sales funnels are just one of the factors when examining CRO because other issues might impact your website. An advanced Google Analytics audit tracks user behaviour and identifies any weaknesses in your web pages.

Our auditors will evaluate where the problems lie and give you everything you need to resolve them. Whether it’s a poor design, bad website copy or ineffective CTA’s, we’ve got your back.

Don’t get bugged down

As with any software solution, bugs will always be a problem. They’re annoying and barely noticeable but always cause issues that can compromise the integrity of your data.

We perform frontend and functional tests to look at how Google Analytics performs and isolate any bugs.

The audit will uncover issues and resolve them, ensuring your codes and integrations are flawless.

Fully bespoke reports

The data Google Analytics offers comprehensive and impressive – but not ideal if you’re looking for quick answers. With so many reports available, it’s a challenge to navigate through and certainly not for the faint of heart.

Luckily, our audits also come with bespoke reports that put your needs first. We cut the techy speak and data streams, giving you the cold hard facts that will benefit your business.

Give your business the growth opportunities it deserves with GA Audits

Google Analytics audits can transform your business, but there’s no point in investing in a one size fits all solution. Don’t settle for average when you can have bespoke. That’s our motto, and we built our agency on it.

We focus on your website, immediate objectives and far-reaching goals giving you the bespoke auditing service you deserve.

Here’s what makes us unique.

Google Analytics experts

Google Analytics is a complex platform – especially when focusing on advanced features. It requires technical expertise and a lot of experience. We have both of those and a lot more.

Every auditor holds the Google Analytics Individual Qualification and has years of experience in data analysis.

You bring your website and goals; we’ll bring our expertise, and some magic will happen.

You’re in charge

Our audits are customisable and focus on your needs – but the advanced audit offers a fully bespoke service. If you’re going to invest in your website and make plans for the future, we’re the right choice.

You benefit from a fully bespoke audit that puts your goals first. A standard audit might offer some insights, but we hold nothing back.

Stress-free. Always

We like to give each client total flexibility, and you can choose how involved you’d like to be in the audit.

Some people enjoy the learning experience and can take our tips on board to perform their own audits in the future, while others like to leave the auditing to us so they can focus on other areas of their business.

Whatever you want, we’ll always work to your specifications.

Our advanced audit process:

Step One: Consult

Please take advantage of a free consultation with one of our specialists. There’s no obligation to book an audit, but we’d love to learn more about your website and goals. You can also see how we’re able to help you.

Step Two: The Audit

Our advanced audit is detailed and intricate, but we always aim to make it convenient. Whether you’re getting involved or letting us handle everything, the audit is where we gather all the necessary information.

Step Three: Review

The data we gather will tell a story; it’s our job to make that story coherent and actionable. Along with the bespoke reports, you’ll also receive a discovery call, where we’ll discuss the findings in more detail.

Step Four: Implement

Once you have our recommendations, you can implement the changes, or we’ll do them for you. After that, you can continue focusing on growth, knowing nothing will hold you back.

Ready to reach your goals? Book a free consultation today

An advanced Google Analytics audit can highlight issues and dramatically boost conversions. There’s never been a better time to invest in your future, and our bespoke services give you complete control of the process.

Please feel free to book a free consultation today. We look forward to helping you achieve more with your website.


Q. How long does the advanced audit take?

Our advanced audit is the most in-depth, requiring time and effort – but we treat each project differently. Once we know more about your website and goals, we’ll give you a delivery date.

Q. Do I really need the advanced audit?

It depends on what you want to achieve. Advanced audits cover everything, but we also have basic and intermediate audits, which might suit your needs.

Q. Why should I trust GA Audits?

Take a look at our clients, and you’ll see we work with highly reputable companies. You’re also welcome to view our credentials and ask us any questions.

We don’t promise to complete your audit within a couple of days, and while our advanced audit is an investment – it’s also a wise one.

You might find something cheaper and faster – but will it deliver? We focus on the present and future, giving you actionable advice that moves your business towards its immediate and long-term goals.